Friday, June 5, 2009

5th Day of Summer Break...

"Park/Picnic Day" was today. Well, the picnic actually consisted of cheeseburgers and fries because somehow we ate all of our cheese (for the sandwiches) and chips that we had at the house so we just had to stop by a drive-thru. As you can probably see in the background of some of the pics there were some dark clouds lingering around. We had a couple of "drizzles" but that was even more fun trying to find places to hide under the playground equipment. Well, I hope you have liked our first week of Summer Break. We have sure had fun but I am ready for the weekend!!

4th Day of Summer Break...

Before After
After After

Thursday was "Crafts Day". The girls decorated little boxes and made woven crosses. Jazmine has already put her some postie notes, gum, and a pen in her little box and has taken it everywhere. In the afternoon we went to the Port of Pensacola to see the Spanish Navy Sailing Training Ship "Juan Sebastian de Elcano". It was a VERY nice ship. Besides waiting in a long line and not being able to take a stroller it was an experience to try to carry a purse, diaper bag, camera, umbrella, and baby (that wanted to get down) while climbing up and down ladders onboard the ship while making sure the other girls weren't going to fall off. Besides that, the tour was great and we all really enjoyed it.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

3rd Day of Summer Break...

Today was a perfect day for "Movie Day" since it rained all day. We watched, "Hotel for Dogs", and ate popcorn before lunch. Our plan was to have the girls make a movie for us to post on the blog but we couldn't get it finished. They had a lot of ideas but never really made it past that. Oh well. We also had to run out to get our craft stuff for tomorrow. At church this evening the girls started building their Pinewood Derby Race car. They will be racing their cars later this month. Every Wednesday this summer at our Church they will be having"Kids On Mission". I think this is a GREAT idea. Instead of everything being about themselves (which has gotten pretty out of control lately) they will be learning about missionary kids around the world and participating in missions in the Church's ministry village and the Pensacola area. Here are just some of the places they will be visiting. Bethany House, Charis House, Sacred Heart Hospital, Nursing Home, Children's Home, etc... I think it is Wonderful that the kids will be learning to "give" rather than receive all of the time. Stay tuned for "Craft Day" tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

2nd Day of Summer Break...

"Game Day" Schedule

8:00 - Breakfast
8:30 - Got dressed
9:00 - Played Board Games (Hi Ho Cherry-O/Sequence - Josalin won both)
Played Elefun (for Claire)
10:00 - Ran an errand ( Can't say where because it is part of a surprise for John)
11:00 - Lunch
12:00 - 2:00 - Nap (Claire), Reading/Relaxing Time
2:00 - Wii Tournament (Jazmine won)
3:00 - Played "Store"

4:00 - Started dinner

Monday, June 1, 2009

1st Day of Summer Break...

To organize the chaos a little this summer we have scheduled "themes" for each day of the week. Our theme today was "Outdoor Fun". It is funny that we chose this theme for today because the lawn guy came to spray our yard with chemicals first thing this morning ( which means we should keep off the grass for a few hours) and the temp outside had to be the hottest one so far this year. We started off by walking/riding scooters to a new subdivision right down the street from us with the neighbors. The girls climbed a "dirt hill" and played in the fountain at the front of the subdivision. After lunch we played two games of croquet and then played with water balloons. The water balloons eventually ended up in the pool (even Claire had her own water balloon). Tomorrow is "Game Day" so check back to see who wins.